Suwada 's Gardens
Your garden is part of your life. It is the place where you plant your flowers, herbs, trees and veggies. Maintaining a small garden takes a bit of effort, and having blunt tools just takes the joy away from gardening.

Much like any activity, good tools make gardening more enjoyable, and usually also make plants live longer and produce more. The Japanese have used this principle to its limits, since fertile land is scarce and the trees have to produce for a large population that is accustomed to high quality.
Sharp tools like secateurs, shears and bonsai cutters were perfected in the 70's and 80's, with Suwada being one of the companies that offered high standards in terms of sharpness in Europe and the UK.
A simple experiment to test this are flowers in a vase. A flower cut by extremely sharp secateurs can last up to 2 weeks, blooming and remaining healthy. A flower crushed will only last a handful of days.

Today you can select from a small, high quality range of cutters and other gardening equipment, all forged and sharpened individually with the highest attention to detail demanded by Japanese craftspeople.
Cleaning and resharpening is easy, and you can do it at the comfort of your own garden!
Visit our Garden section and discover your next favorite!