Mar 24, 2021
Copperware items for modern interior design
In an effort to showcase the work of master craftspeople who didn't feel like exporting their products out of Japan, ...
Jan 13, 2021
Garden Flowers - 4 simple reasons to grow your own
We all like flowers in one form or another. Why so few of us cultivate them? It is quick and cheap to learn a few bas...
Jan 6, 2021
This is why handmade products are different
A lot of packages mention ''handmade'' or ''small production''. But what does it actually mean? If you ever read a la...
Jan 4, 2021
How to set beauty goals in 2021
2021 is here, let's make it count!
2020 was a rough year for many of us. If you want to take care of yourself a littl...
Dec 22, 2020
Western Knives VS Japanese Western Style Blades
You may have seen a lot of japanese knives being called western style. We wrote this article to hopefully clarify the...
Dec 22, 2020
The Cult of Japanese Knives - Why everyone loves them so much
Japanese knives are legendary for their sharpness. There is a whole cult around them, consisting mostly of profession...
Dec 11, 2020
Why do people cut their cuticles
It seems unnecessary and it requires a lot of extra effort. So why do men and women trim their nail cuticles?
The tru...
Dec 10, 2020
Sommelier knives for elegant tongues - Limited
Suwada sommelier knives are back in stock!
Wine openers are now back in stock in limited numbers. As they are fully h...
Dec 10, 2020
How to cut nails correctly
Nails grow all of the time. Trimming them is a skill we learn early on in life, but sadly many of us learn it incorre...
Dec 3, 2020
Shodō, Japanese Calligraphy
Calligraphy is one of the most beloved and difficult practices in modern Japan. Having its roots in China, the earlie...
Nov 18, 2020
Gift Flowers!
Gift a flower to someone. Encourage them to do the same.
We don't have anything to gain from this. We simply recommend it because we know, flowers make people better. But you know that too :) Who doesn't like a flower?
Nov 2, 2020
The tradition of handmade tools
Japan has always held hand crafts in very high regard. Kids learn how to make origami from a very young age, and many...