All our products are made by artisans in Suwada Open Factory, in Niigata, Japan. The factory is open to the public without reservations to ensure transparency for all our claims.
In rare cases we collaborate with local companies to promote a product that we think you will love. In those cases we ensure that the companies adhere 100% to our highest standards of employee work conditions and traditional methods for crafting goods.
Once an object is made in Suwada, it is taken through extensive testing to ensure quality and durability. We hold the highest quality control standards possible, checking all items, one by one.
Craftsmanship is at the core of our model, and we make sure our craftspeople have great lives, high salaries and are able to expand their knowledge in their field when they wish to do so. This approach of continuous learning has pushed traditional crafts to a whole new level, and has permitted Suwada to train a new generation of men and women in Japanese metal crafts. We absolutely oppose machine made goods that can be made better by hand, and poor working conditions that treat people as if they are product making machines.
Our prices reflect humanist ideals. When you buy Suwada, you buy quality. You support vibrant communities of craftspeople, who design and make useful and beautiful objects, that will improve your everyday life, and carry a little of their maker's spirit in them. When you buy Suwada, you reaffirm all humanist values and virtues, and you chose unique over common.